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Saturday, October 13, 2012

SAYS-Malaysia's Social New Network

Get RM5 for every friend who becomes a SAYS broadcaster, auto-credited into your SAYS account as soon as your friend earns their first RM10. 

Tip: You get RM5 when you Sign Up

What can I do on SAYS?

1. Discover

At a glance, discover multiple angles of trending news, crowd-curated into one page: remixed with videos, blog posts, news sources, Wikipedia links, infographics and more!

2. Share

Share the news and see how influential you are. Be recognised as Top Broadcaster and Top Contributor across SAYS news channels when you share the most and contribute sources to someone’s remix.

3. Discuss 

Your opinion counts. Debate, vote, comment, see how people are reacting in the country's central chat room for the news.

What is a remix?

A SAYS remix lets you discover all you need to know about a news topic, in less time.

Scan through excerpts of articles, watch videos, view images, and be exposed to different perspectives and the full context of the news, all on one page.

How to Start?

A. Start a remix

Remix any news or topic so people get to discover different sources and learn things they never knew. Anyone on SAYS can start a remix. We like to call these news gurus, Curators.

B. Contribute sources

Add links to articles, Youtube videos, and images into the remix and we’ll display them as source cards. Customise excerpts and descriptions to say what’s important. It’s cool to build the news, together. Top Contributors are recognised on every remix as your co-curators!

C. Broadcast with your URL

When you’re signed in, every news remix comes with your unique URL. Copy and paste your URL to share the remix with your friends! The higher your ‘share score’, the higher your chances of becoming Top Broadcaster!

Top Broadcasters of a remix are the top 10 sharers who rake in the most visitors to the remix! They’re like your unstoppable news agents.

How can I be part of Malaysia's trending news?

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Taken from SAYS Privacy Policy

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